10 Tips for Praying the Rosary Better and with Greater Devotion

10 Tips for Praying the Rosary Better & With Greater Devotion

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Explore ten tips for praying the rosary better and with greater devotion so that it reaches more deeply into our hearts.

10 Tips for Praying the Rosary with Greater Devotion

As our hands move forward across rosary beads in prayer, God transforms our hearts and our lives.


Before You Start Praying

Prepare your heart. Ask for the grace to pray the rosary in a profound and meaningful way. Be open to the spiritual journey as it unfolds.

As our Blessed Mother leads us more closely to her Son, our hearts will expand. Little by little, we will have a more vibrant faith that will transform our lives.


Make a Plan

Find a time of the day that works for you. For example, after mealtime or before bedtime might be ideal for a family. Alternatively, you can pray the rosary throughout the day, a little at a time. A decade marker can hold your spot. Or you might find it easier to say a single prayer or a decade to start.  What matters is taking the time to pray. 


Choose a Place to Pray

There are two ways to have a prayer environment. First, you can set up a sacred space. For example, a small prayer table with pictures, a Bible, statues, prayer books, candles, or other items can help you focus more deeply. 

Alternatively, you can pray anywhere and anytime. There are usually extra moments during the day, like waiting in line, driving, walking, or taking a break.


Decide Who You Will Pray With

You can pray a rosary with your family, a church group, or on your own. Whether you pray it out loud, taking turns in a group, or quietly in your heart, what matters is that you pray.


Set Manageable Goals

Choose attainable goals that you can manage. If you have never prayed the rosary before, or if you have not prayed it in a long time, you might find it easier to start with a single decade.

What is important is the movement of the heart towards God.  


Be Prepared

Carrying a rosary will make it easier to pray when you have an unexpected break in your day. Praying the rosary can help quiet your mind and open your heart to God’s presence.

When you reach for your rosary instead of your cell phone, you can make good use of that time.


Have a Good Attitude of Heart

We might want to pray the rosary for specific intentions in the hopes of receiving the blessings we want. Yet, when we put ourselves in God’s hands as we pray, something different happens. We still bring our needs to prayer, but instead of trying to make things happen, we embrace God’s will with more loving trust. 

Then, we let Him work in our lives in the way that He knows is best for us. Once we do that, we invite God to reach more deeply into our heart.


Take Your Time

If you find yourself rushing through the rosary prayers, slow down. Prayer is how we build our relationship with God and our Blessed Mother. It is an expression of love. Why rush through that? When we savour the experience of prayer, it will mean more.

Praying the rosary is not about getting through all of the prayers. It is about listening. To listen in prayer means being open to God’s voice speaking in our hearts, where He can encourage and guide us.


Go Deeply into the Prayers

Take a moment before you pray to rest your mind and heart. Then say the prayers with focus. That way it is more than saying the words of the prayers.  It becomes  a prayer that reaches deep in our heart.

When you find yourself distracted, ask God to help you focus.  Then redirect your attention and carry on. 


Continue the Journey of the Heart

We can bring our experience of prayer into the rest of our day. First, we can think about God and pray to Him often. We can also improve how we relate to others. 

Prayer can be woven into everything we do. We can carry the conversation we began with the rosary into every part of our lives.

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Handmade Catholic items by Our Lady of Grace Rosaries are designed to be cherished and built to endure.


The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.

A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible quote. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.

Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.

Armor Santo on Cathopic shared a photo of a woman praying in a chapel.

On Pexels, August de Richelieu shared a photo of the family preparing a meal.

Our information is from general information, experience, and shared internet resources.  We ask that you use it as a starting point for your resource so that you can verify facts and build a reference list.

How can we pray the rosary better and with more devotion?
  1. Before you start praying, prepare your heart.
  2. Find a time of day that works for you.
  3. Choose a prayer environment that will help you focus more deeply.
  4. Decide who you will pray with or if you will pray alone.  (What matters is that you pray.)
  5. Set manageable goals.
  6. Be prepared.  When you reach for your rosary instead of your cell phone, you can make good use of that time.
  7. Put yourself in God’s hands and embrace His will with more loving trust.
  8. Take your time.
  9. Go deeply into the prayers.  If distracted, redirect your attention and carry on.
  10. Bring your experience of prayer into the rest of your day.