
The Bible is such a rich resource that we can learn different lessons from the same passage. These are some of the things that I have learned.

Revelations 3:20a (At the Door of Our Hearts)

Revelations 3:20a What does it mean for God to knock at the door of our hearts as written in Revelations 3:20a?  At the Door of Our Hearts Listen, I am standing at the door, knocking. Revelations 3:20a  We can get too busy to notice God’s knock at the door of our hearts. But, we can […]

Psalm 42:2 (Thirsting for God)

Psalm 42:2 What does Psalm 42:2 tell us about our hearts learning to thirst for God? Thirsting for God My soul THIRSTS for God. Psalm 42:2  When we are physically thirsty, water is more important than everything else. We know from experience that it will quench our longing. Spiritual thirst does the same thing to […]

Psalm 19:1 (Even the Smallest Details)

Psalm 19:1 What does Psalm 19:1 tell us about finding a glimpse of heaven in nature? Even the Smallest Details The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims His handiwork. Psalm 19:1 God created nature with details as delicate as a flower petal and as majestic as the tapestry of a […]

Matthew 6:34 (Worrying)

Matthew 6:34 How can we learn to let go of worry from Matthew 6:34?  Worrying Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Matthew 6:34  When there is uncertainty, it is easy to cling to worry. Yet worrying is exhausting and accomplishes nothing.  When we turn to God for the grace to let go of our concerns, […]

Matthew 6:20 (Detachment)

Matthew 6:20 What can we learn about detachment from Matthew 6:20 and the global pandemic? Detachment Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20 The coronavirus pandemic created a situation where we learned to let go. We found that […]