(Z126-2) Cord Anglican Prayer Beads: $8.99 (CAD)
Our Cord Anglican Prayer Beads have olive wood from Bethlehem. It has 33 beads to represent the number of years that Jesus lived on earth.
Our Cord Anglican Prayer Beads have olive wood from Bethlehem. It has 33 beads to represent the number of years that Jesus lived on earth.
The Blessed Miguel Pro Cord Chaplet has his last words as part of the prayer. White beads: his purity. Red beads: his martyrdom.
The Pink Brigittine Rosary has Czech glass beads. St. Bridget of Sweden designed it as a six-decade rosary with three mysteries.
The Black Brigittine Rosary has Czech glass beads. St. Bridget of Sweden designed it as a six-decade rosary with three mysteries.
The Cord Brigittine Rosary has Euro Wood beads. St. Bridget of Sweden designed it as a six-decade rosary with three mysteries.