(Z072) Saint Anthony Chaplet: $10.99 (CAD)
The Saint Anthony Chaplet has Euro Wood beads that slide along the cord as you pray. We included a prayer to St. Anthony for lost items.
The Saint Anthony Chaplet has Euro Wood beads that slide along the cord as you pray. We included a prayer to St. Anthony for lost items.
In 1892, a Franciscan Capuchin composed The Chaplet of the Holy Spirit. Pope Leo XIII approved it in 1902.
The St. Helena of the Cross Chaplet is one of our rare ones. We pray for her intercession for five intentions.
The Rosary of the Father is also known as the Eternal Father Chaplet. We reflect on God’s love for us, from creation to the final judgment.
The Chaplet of Trust in Jesus is a prayer to help us ask for God’s Mercy and express our trust in Him. The beads are Czech glass.