(Z005) Crown of Our Lord: $26.99 (CAD)
The indulgenced Crown of our Lord has 33 beads for the years of the earthly life of Our Lord. The Aves represent His five wounds.
The indulgenced Crown of our Lord has 33 beads for the years of the earthly life of Our Lord. The Aves represent His five wounds.
The St. Juan Diego Chaplet has wire-wrapped Job’s Tears beads. The size and colour of the seeds vary. It is a prayer for his intercession.
The Miraculous Medal Chaplet is one of our rare chaplets. One of the prayers is an inscription on the medal. It has Czech glass beads.
A Solemn Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has a prayer written by Pope Pius XII. It comes with a single rosary decade.
The Saint Paul Chaplet has Czech glass beads and a collection of meaningful prayers. With every chaplet purchase, a prayer card is included.