St. Benedict Rare Purple Heart Crucifix
Our St. Benedict Rare Purple Heart Crucifix is one you will treasure. It is made with one of the most prized types of wood in the world.
Our St. Benedict Rare Purple Heart Crucifix is one you will treasure. It is made with one of the most prized types of wood in the world.
The Notre Dame du Cap rosary has wire-wrapped Mother-of-Pearl beads. This devotion began with miracles that renewed the prayer of the rosary.
Our Immaculate Heart Wall Rosary can hang by a prayer table in your home. Heavy-duty wire and chain make it sturdy for prayer.
Our Olive Wood Peace Chaplet has prayers from a century-old Croatian devotion. There are intentions for each of the groups of beads.
The Child Jesus Glass Dome Rosary has a matching decade marker. It is sturdy and attached with wrapped bows.