Blue Accent Immaculate Heart Rosary: $33.99 (CAD)
Our blue accent Immaculate Heart Rosary has a glass dome center. The Our Father beads are a matching colour.
Our blue accent Immaculate Heart Rosary has a glass dome center. The Our Father beads are a matching colour.
The Dolorosa Medal Rosary is handmade. We turned the loops of wire holding the beads in place. This unique rosary is sturdy and reliable.
Our Holy Family Hematite Rosary is wire-wrapped. It takes less space in the palm of your hand, yet it will be easier to handle.
We made the strung St. Benedict Brown Wood Medal Rosary to be comfortable for prayer. It is easy to handle and built to last.
The Our Lady of the Cape rosary has wire-wrapped opal Czech glass beads. This devotion began with miracles that renewed praying the rosary.