Catholic Colouring Pages: PAGE 2
Catholic Colouring Pages

Our Catholic colouring pages (page 2) are by artist Sandra Van Raay. They are free to print for use in a classroom, church, or home but are not to be sold.
Catholic Colouring Pages: Page 2
for the young and the young at heart
Click to download and print on an 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of paper.
About the Artist
Sandra Van Raay has been creating works of art for decades.
Sandra Van Raay is a well-known artist with great passion, talent, and commitment. She has sold her work at art shows to support many charities that help the poor.
Sandra has enjoyed teaching art to adults and children. Adults have participated in her classes at the Thames Arts Centre and St. Clair College. She has guided young students in art skills in programs like Learning through the Arts.
Her works are in private collections in North America, Europe, India, and Africa.
Watercolour and pencil are her preferred mediums. Her inspiration comes from the beauty of God’s creation and her deep faith.
7 Tips to Teach Children about God

Start with Prayer
Pray for them and ask for God’s help to awaken faith in their hearts.
Give Them Different Experiences of Prayer
- PETITION: They can turn to God for their needs or those of their loved ones.
- THANKSGIVING: We can teach them to be grateful to God for grace and answered prayers.
- ROSARY: Children can learn the prayers as they pray the family rosary.
- RELIGIOUS SONGS: Music is another way to pray.
- ADORATION: They can learn to pray in Jesus’ presence.
- SILENCE: Learning to pray in silence will help them discover a contemplative level of prayer.

Teach them to Help Others
Teach them the joy of sharing and helping others. Help them live God’s message of love: “ one another … as I have loved you.” (John 13:34b)
Do activities with them to help them learn about their faith
Colouring pages are something we provided here. There are also activities in your parish and Catholic schools. You show them the beauty God created in nature. An event in their lives, like a sickness in the family, can give them an intention to bring to prayer.

Make them part of your faith life
Bring them to Mass. Teach them to be respectful of God and others while at the same time making it a positive experience for them. Let them know that you noticed when they were reverent.
Make your faith visible in your home
Images and religious articles in your home can make faith visible in your home. Children can become curious about their faith through them. A prayer table filled with holy pictures, a picture Bible, and rosaries could be a way to focus while they learn to pray. A Crucifix on the wall could be a way to talk about Jesus.

Use the Teachable Moments
When they ask a question or when a situation comes up, take the time to answer at their level of understanding.
We teach children to love by loving God and them;
We teach them to pray when we pray with them;
Above all, we teach them by our example.

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Products Featuring Art by Sandra VanRaay
Mysteries of the Rosary
These beautiful images of Our Blessed Mother have a list of the Mysteries of the Rosary on the back. They are available at The Mustard Seed Catholic Books & Gifts in London, Ontario (Canada). Click to learn more.
Prayer Book
Discover a collection of favourite prayers. Available at The Mustard Seed Catholic Books & Gifts in London, Ontario (Canada). Click to learn more.

The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.
All of the drawings are by Sandra Van Raay (current).
Our Catholic colouring pages are by artist Sandra Van Raay. They are for the young and the young at heart.
They are free to print for use in a classroom, church, or home but not to be sold.