Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine Mercy Novena prayers, Image of Jesus from the original painting.

Find information about  Divine Mercy Sunday (a week after Easter Sunday) and a prayer to say after Communion that day.

About Divine Mercy Sunday

About the Divine Mercy Devotion

This well-loved prayer originated with Saint Faustina Kowalska OLM in 1931. On June 13, 2002, St. (Pope) John Paul II granted it indulgences. Meditating on the suffering of Our Lord, we can pray daily during the 3:00 to 4:00 hour. Once a year, we can pray for nine days in preparation for the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, beginning on Good Friday.
Divine Mercy Novena prayers, painting of St. Faustina by an unknown artist. She is shown holding a picture of Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Sunday

On Divine Mercy Sunday, there may be a special celebration at your local parish.  If not, you can attend Mass and stay longer to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and spend time praying in front of the tabernacle or in Adoration.

Prayer After Communion

Father Chris Alar MIC of the Divine Mercy Shrine (Stockbridge, MA) shared this prayer to say after Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a poor sinner. Jesus, you promised St. Faustina that the soul who has been to Confession (I have) and the soul that receives Holy Communion (I just did) will receive the complete forgiveness of all sin and punishment.  Please give me this grace. 
(Option to add: “Jesus, I trust in You.”)  Amen
Click to listen to Fr. Chris Alar’s talk on Divine Mercy Sunday. 
Divine Mercy painting from the archives of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy

How to Obtain an Indulgence

On Divine Mercy Sunday (the Sunday after Easter), there is a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions (Confession, Communion, prayer for the Pope’s intentions).  There is a partial indulgence when some of these conditions are met.

  1. Celebrate the Feast on the Sunday after Easter;
  2. Sincerely repent of all our sins;
  3. Place our complete trust in Jesus;
  4. Go to Confession, preferably before that Sunday;
  5. Receive Holy Communion on the day of the Feast;
  6. Venerate the Image of The Divine Mercy (To venerate a sacred image or statue simply means to perform some act or make some gesture of deep religious respect toward it because of the person whom it represents, in this case, our Most Merciful Saviour.);
  7. Be merciful to others, through our actions, words, and prayers on their behalf.

Click to read the Vatican Decree about the indulgences attached to devotions of Divine Mercy.

The Chaplet

Jesus revealed The Chaplet of Divine Mercy to St. Faustina as a means to assist the dying.  It can be for those we know or for those we will never meet.
“My daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you… when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person… as the merciful Saviour.” (Diary, 1541)
Click to pray the chaplet.

The Novena

The Divine Mercy Novena is for 9 days, starting on Good Friday.  
I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. (Diary, 699)
Click to start the Novena.

Divine Mercy Novena Prayers

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Handmade Catholic items by Our Lady of Grace Rosaries are designed to be cherished and built to endure.


The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.

A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.

Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.

The depiction of Divine Mercy (with the ribbon label) by Vilinius was painted on 22 February 1931 under the direction of St. Faustina Kowalska.

The close-up of Jesus was painted in 1934 by Eugenius Kazimirowski based on the request of Saint Faustina and her confessor Michael Sopocko.

Saracrl shared the close-up of the feet of our Lord from the Divine Mercy painting on Cathopic.

The painting of St. Faustina is by an unknown artist and is considered public domain by Wikipedia.

Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.

What is the history of the Divine Mercy devotion?

The Divine Mercy devotion originated with St. Faustina Kowalska OLM in 1931.  On June 13, 2002, St. (Pope) John Paul II granted it indulgences.  Meditating on the suffering of our Lord, we can pray daily during the 3:00 to 4:00 hour.  Once a year, we can pray for nine days in preparation for the Feast of Divine Mercy Sunday, beginning on Good Friday.

Is there a special prayer to say after Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday?

Father Chris Alar MIC of the Divine Mercy Shrine (Stockbridge, MA) shared a prayer to say after Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a poor sinner.  Jesus, you promised St. Faustina that the soul who has been to Confession (I have) and the soul that receives Holy Communion (I just did) will receive the complete forgiveness of all sin and punishment.  Please give me this grace.  (Option to add: Jesus, I trust in You.) Amen

How do you obtain the indulgences on Divine Mercy Sunday?

There is a plenary indulgence under usual conditions.  Also, venerate the image of Divine Mercy and be merciful to others through our actions, words, and prayers on their behalf.

There is a partial indulgence when some of the conditions are met.