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The Mustard Seed Catholic Books & Gifts, 502 Springbank Drive, London, Ontario (Canada) has carried a selection of our items since 2004 for in-store shopping.
The Mustard Seed Catholic Books & Gifts is open:
MON-FRI: 9:30-6:00
SAT: 9:30-5:00
We do not have a shopping cart but we have online order forms.
Although most of our items are made to order, we keep a selection for quick shopping on our “IN STOCK” page.
Most of our items are made to order. We will let you know when we have time to make your items.
We ship our products anywhere in the world. You can ask for a shipping price quote before finalizing your order.
The cost depends on your location. We also offer shipping discounts. Sometimes it’s free. Learn more HERE.
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We are father and daughter artisans with more than 25 years of experience. You can read more about us HERE.
- Our back-to-the-top button is the arrow that looks like a bubble on the right-hand side of your pages.
- If you get lost on the website, click the HOME button at the top of every page.
- You can find relevant articles on our product pages if you keep scrolling. We also added quick links.
- The magnifying glass at the top right corner of every page is our main search bar. Use one key word for the best results.
- Our HOME page (also linked at the top of pages) has links to main website pages.
- The WEBSITE TOUR is an interactive page that takes you through key website pages.
- Our TABLE OF CONTENTS page helps you explore the website in organized sections.
- The SITEMAP lays out the website in an at-a-glance list format.
Find answers to your questions about Catholic items for prayer HERE. For example, when was the first rosary? What is a chaplet? Is there a Crucifix prayer?
We have a checklist to make shopping easier. You can find it HERE.
Find helpful tips on how to choose a good quality cord rosary HERE.
Find helpful tips on how to choose a good quality wire rosary HERE.
Find helpful tips on how to choose a good quality wire-wrapped rosary HERE.
If there is a little wiggle room, you have a good fit.
If the bracelet leaves marks on your skin, it is too tight.
With a soft measuring tape or string, measure at the wrist bone. Make sure to leave a little space underneath for a comfortable fit.
We give an approximate wrist size with each bracelet.
We make five different styles of rosary bracelets. They are unique in the fit and how to put them on. Learn tips HERE.
We share 4 tips to make it easier to pray a full rosary on a bracelet HERE.
We look at 5 Benefits of Rosary Bracelets in this article.
We have over 150 different chaplet titles. You can find the list HERE.
Instead of posting the chaplet prayers, we include a prayer card with your purchase.
We discuss eight similarities and differences between rosaries and chaplets HERE.
Each one is a handmade original. We preserve the natural tones of the wood to let its uniqueness shine through. You can learn more HERE.
Since wood has different grain patterns and shades, each one is unique. As a result, two Crucifixes made from the same type of wood or even the same tree can look different from one another.
We usually use Maple, Oak, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany. We also have some more unique genres. Browse our Crucifixes by type of wood HERE.
You can browse our selection of Crucifixes sorted by design HERE.
You can shop for our Crucifixes and Crosses sorted by size HERE.
The artisan slides a bead over the wire and then wraps the wire to make a stack of loops next to it. This type of construction will not come unhooked.
It is similar to wire-wrapping with something extra. A decorative swirl of wire adds accents to the beads.
Swarovski Crystals are quality crystal beads that sparkle and glisten even in very little light. We also refer to them as Austrian Crystals because they are made in Austria. You can read more HERE.
They are old-world seeds that we grow in our garden. We make them into rosaries and chaplets. You can learn more about them HERE.
You can find helpful rosary cleaning tips on what to do and what to avoid HERE.
We appreciate donations of broken rosary pieces to help us repair other rosaries.
Otherwise, they can be donated, buried, or burned. A blessed item should never be thrown in the trash or recycle bin.
We link up our practical prayer tips HERE.
We have 5 tips to introduce your child to rosary prayers HERE.
A list of the prayers we posted on the website is HERE.
There is a link at the top of every page to our four rosary prayer options.
You can find a link to the Pope’s prayer intentions at the top of every page.
Novenas are 9 days of prayer before the feast or solemnity, which falls on the 10th day. Find a list of our posted novenas and learn more about them HERE.
We paired some of our favourite Bible verses with inspiring photos from nature. You can also find little gems of insight. They are listed HERE.
Find the words to the Grace Before Meals and the Grace After Meals and other Catholic prayers HERE.
We have three easy-to-follow options with classic paintings and words to the prayers. You can find it HERE.
You can find the words to The Prayer to Jesus Crucified, and information about it HERE.
O My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of Thy mercy. Click to learn more.
A list of our Season of Lent prayers is HERE.
The Act of Contrition prayer and a basic Examination of Conscience based on the 10 Commandments and the Beatitudes is HERE.
What is Available?
All of our items are handmade originals.
In a world of mass-produced prayer beads, it is a comfort to pray with a handmade Catholic Rosary. Click on the photo to see our knotted, linked, and wire-wrapped rosaries.
Rosary Bracelets
We make sturdy rosary bracelets for men, women, and children in different sizes and styles. Click to see what is available.
Our collection of handmade chaplets is one of the largest available. Click on the photo to see what we offer.
Crucifixes and Crosses
Click on the photo to see our variety of designs and sizes. The types of wood we use include Maple, Oak, Mahogany, Walnut, and more.
Click to view our accessories. We make rosary dishes, Bible stands, leather rosary cases, and decade markers.
Recommended Catholic Resources
Please enjoy exploring the collection of our favourite links.
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Catholic Groups
Our Diocesan Resources
At Magnificat Rosaries, you can find sterling silver wire-wrapped rosaries and ornate beaded rosary bracelets, which have genuine gemstones or cultured pearl beads. The Pater beads are lamp-worked glass beads with Bali silver caps. Everything is hand-made to order in the USA.
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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.