Wondering How to Choose a Cord Rosary?
How to Choose a Cord Rosary

You can discover TIPS to make shopping for a cord rosary easier. For example, did you know that strung wood rosaries work best when they are flexible?
About Cord Rosaries
A cord rosary uses knotted twine as a way to connect it. Some have knots instead of beads.
Types of Cord Rosaries
Some of our cord rosaries have fishing net twine. It has a twisted construction. Others have Paracord which has inner twisted cords and a woven outer layer. We usually string on Euro Wood or Olive Wood beads. Sometimes they have knots instead of beads. The rosary in the photo has a knotted Paracord construction with knots to count the prayers.
Two factors determine the strength of these rosaries. First, a quality cord can withstand the friction of the beads. Next, the knots need to be well-formed and the ends sealed.
Choosing a Cord Rosary: Beads
Beads are the most noticeable component of any rosary.
Types of Beads
The look of the beads makes a difference in how it feels to pray with them. You will discover the most comfortable type, size, and shape as you try out different rosaries.
A Different Feel
Knotted rosaries nestle the Our Father beads between knots. The Hail Mary beads slide to move during prayer. That way, it is easier to tell the difference between them, even with closed eyes. A different bead shape or colour can also help them stand out even more.
Choosing a Cord Rosary: Cord
A well-made cord will stand up to the friction of the beads.
Nylon Cord
Since the inside of wood beads is never as smooth as the outside, it could cause some cord varieties to fray. We only use nylon-based cords for our rosaries. Nylon has the highest strength and shock absorbency of any synthetic rope. It is weather-resistant, resists fraying, feels smooth, and holds its knots well. Our Paracord and fishing net twine are both nylon cords.
Knots are the Building Blocks
Well-made knots are essential for a cord rosary to last. In time, a loose knot will not stay in place. When they are secure, they look like a neat, tight stack of looped twine. Knots that are thick enough will not slide through the bead holes.
Strung rosaries work best when they are flexible. Space around the Hail Mary beads allows them to slide in place comfortably during prayer.
A rosary with knots that are too close to the grouped beads will not bend enough to fit easily into a hand or pocket.
Comparing Types of Cord
The main difference between cord and Paracord is its construction. Fishing Net Twine holds the strands together by twisting them. Paracord has a woven sheath or tube that holds the strands of twisted yarn together. As a result, the Paracord is thicker and will only fit through beads with large enough holes. The photo shows an example of a rosary knotted with 95 Paracord.
Choosing a Cord Rosary: More Tips
Great care goes into artisan-made rosaries to ensure symmetry. The reason for this is that a well-balanced rosary looks its best.
Twine winds around itself to create knots. As a result, this type of structure adds potential twisting to the finished rosary. Experienced artisans can compensate for this.
Since frayed ends are a weak spot, we seal them. It looks like a darker, melted section. This sealed end keeps it from unraveling at that spot by creating a plug that is too large to slide through the knot. As a result, the rosary will not come apart at the cut ends.
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A cord rosary uses knotted twine as a way to connect it. Here is what you need to know when you are shopping:
- Look for one with a good quality cord that does not show signs of fraying.
- Make sure the knots are tight and secure with the ends sealed.
- Choose a bead size and shape that feels comfortable in your hands.
- Make sure the knots sit tightly next to the Our Father beads but allow the grouped Hail Mary beads to slide during prayer. That way it will bend to fit into a pocket or purse.
- Hold it up to make sure the sections of beads line up.
- While you are holding it up, check for twisting. It should lay straight.