Knotted Cord Rosaries: Benefits & Tips
Knotted Cord Rosaries: Benefits & Tips

Discover 4 benefits and 5 shopping tips for knotted cord rosaries. For example, they have knots instead of beads, making them quiet and economical.
Knotted Cord Rosaries: 4 Benefits
The knotted cord beads are noiseless as your hands move across the rosary in prayer. When you pray on your knees in church, they won’t knock loudly against the wooden pew. If they fall on the floor, they are quiet. An example of a Rope Rosary is in the photo. Click to shop.
They are a thrifty alternative to rosaries with glass or gemstone beads. Our knotted cord rosaries cost $3.99 to $4.99 (CAD). Our knotted Paracord rosaries are $18.99 (CAD). An example of a Knotted Paracord Rosary is in the photo. Click to shop.
Easy to Carry
Knotted cord rosaries are ideal to carry in a pocket for walks. Our minimalist ones can fit into small jeans pockets. An example is in the photo. Click to shop.
The base material of our cord is nylon. Nylon has the highest strength and shock absorbency of any synthetic rope. It is weather-resistant, resists fraying, feels smooth, and holds its knots well. We use sturdy, reliable cords. The strength of the #9 cord is 84 pounds while the #36 cord has a 300-pound strength. The Paracord we use for these rosaries has a 95-pound strength.
Knotted Cord Rosaries: 5 Shopping Tips
Types of Cord
There are two basic types of cord. Fishing net twine has a solid feel. It is a tightly twisted 3-ply nylon cord. Twisting three Number 9 cords together makes a number 36. Newer to rosary making is the American-made Paracord. It has twisted nylon inner cords held in place with an outer tube of woven nylon. This outer tube gives it a padded feel. The nylon fiber content makes it feel smooth.
When you view a posted cord rosary, you can order it in a different colour. Click to view options.
Knotted Cross or Metal Crucifix?
A rosary with a knotted Cross is metal-free. They are ultra-quiet and even suitable for an MRI machine. We knot the Cross as tightly as possible. It should hold its shape but if not, pinch at the center of the Cross.
If you prefer a metal Crucifix, you can request one with a loop the right size for the cord.
Heat Sealing
Heat sealing the cut ends prevents fraying. It looks like a darker, melted section. The colour of the melted tip depends on the cord.
Tiny Rosaries
You can carry our minimalist rosaries in three different ways. First, you can stow it in a pocket. You can also wear it as a necklace. It can also be for a bracelet. You can wrap it around your wrist and tuck in the Cross.
Knot Size & Spacing
The number of wraps determines the size of the knots. For example, we made our largest rope rosaries with more wraps than the medium size.
Adequate knot spacing results in better prayer comfort. There should be enough space between the beads to hold onto the Hail Mary beads and the Our Father beads should have enough space around them to be noticeable. If your hands are large, you can mention that you will need more space between the beads when you place an order.
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Knotted Cord Rosaries have knots in the place of beads. They are quiet, economical, sturdy, and easy to carry.
Shopping Tips:
- Twisted cord is the most well-known. Paracord feels more padded. Both are sturdy.
- You may prefer a knotted Cross or a metal one.
- Heat-sealing prevents fraying and unravelling.
- Rosaries knotted with thin cord are small and easy to carry.
- The knot sizes and the spacing of the knots affect prayer comfort.