Paracord and Fishing Net Twine
About Paracord & Cord (Fishing Net Twine)

We use both Paracord and fishing net twine for our rosaries. Each has different features and design options.
About Paracord and Cord (Fishing Net Twine)
FISHING NET TWINE: The idea of twisting fibers together originated circa 2800 BC. Twisted twine was the original type of cord used for strung rosaries. The first twine made with nylon was in the early 1950s. The photo is an example of a rosary knotted with fishing net twine.
PARACORD has its name from its origins. It was a suspension cord for World War II parachutes before it was a craft cord. About a decade ago, a rosary designer in Texas came up with the idea to make Paracord rosaries. Now they are available worldwide.
How They Compare

50 pounds
#9 T
84 pounds
95 P
95 pounds
#36 T
300 pounds
550 P
550 pounds
Matching the Cord & Beads
The size and construction of the cord have different design options. For example, Micro Paracord is the only one that fits through gemstone bead holes. Although it is thicker than #9 twine, it is more flexible. Number 9 twine works well with all sizes of Euro Wood beads. 550 Paracord only works with specialty-cut large-hole beads.

Nylon fibers are the base material of both types of cords. Both start with tightly twisted 3-ply nylon yarn. Nylon has the highest strength and shock absorbency of any synthetic rope. It is weather-resistant, resists fraying, feels smooth, and holds its knots well.
The main difference is the cord construction. Fishing Net Twine holds the strands together by twisting them. Paracord has a braided sheath or tube that holds the 3-ply twisted nylon cords together. As a result, the Paracord is thicker. The photo shows a rosary knotted with 95 Paracord.
We only use American-made Paracord. Overseas manufacturers make a cheaper version. For example, 95 Paracord looks the same, but the quality does not compare. The inner core has 2-ply instead of 3-ply yarn. I repaired a rosary made with the overseas cord, and it was frayed, stretched out, and broken apart. The rosary in the photo has our quality American-made paracord.

Tensile strength measures the weight that a straight length of cord can support. No. 9 twine (84 pounds) is a close second to 95 Paracord (95 pounds). 550 Paracord (550 pounds) stands above the crowd for resistance.
Once knotted to make a rosary, its strength is reduced by about 25%. Our metal components will also affect the overall endurance of the rosary. Yet it still has more than enough durability for the function of a rosary.
What We Noticed
PRICE: Rosaries made with fishing net twine are less costly than Paracord rosaries.
TEXTURE: Twisted fishing net twine has a solid, smooth, and textured feel. Paracord has a smooth, woven design.
COLOUR: We have found that both Paracord and fishing net twine will fade slightly with use. If exposed to harsh chemicals, like hand sanitizer, it is more noticeable.

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Paracord has a braided sheath or tube that holds straight inner strands of nylon yarn together. Other twines hold strands together by twisting them.
550 Paracord will hold 550 pounds on a straight length of cord. 95 Paracord holds 95 pounds. Once knotted to make a rosary, its strength is reduced by about 25%. The durability of the metal Crucifix and center medal is another factor that reduces its strength. Overall, it still has more than enough durability for the function of a rosary.