Romans 5: 3-5 (A Priceless Gift)
Romans 5:3-5

What can Romans 5: 3-5 teach us about the best way to offer our suffering?
A Priceless Gift

Suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
Romans 5:3-5
When we give a gift to someone, and we complain about our difficulties in shopping for it, and so on, the person receiving it will not feel comfortable or happy. But if we give it with a joyful heart, they can see beyond the details of the gift to the love we put into it.
Our gifts to God work the same way. When we offer up our suffering* for the souls in Purgatory, for example, its value depends on grace and our efforts. If we complain the entire time, it becomes a gift of little value. It is priceless when we do two things: pray for the grace to bear it well and give it our best effort. (September 25, 2022)
*We can pray for our suffering to be over, but when it isn’t, we can offer it up.
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When we offer up our (unavoidable) suffering for the souls in Purgatory, for example, its value depends on two things. It is priceless when we pray for the grace to bear it well and give it our best effort. It has less value when we complain about it.