Saint John Paul II (canonized in 2014)

Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II, October 22 is the feast day of saint John Paul II. we posted this on our blog

Find a brief biography and a quote written by Saint John Paul II. The chaplet has some of his teachings on prayer from World Youth Days.


The First Feast of Saint John Paul II was on October 22, 2014

The canonization of Saint John Paul II was on April 27, 2014.  His feast day is on October 22. He was the first non-Italian Pope in 455 years and the first one from a Slavic country. His pontificate of more than 26 years was the third-longest in history. He helped bring Communism to an end with the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. During his pontificate, he travelled far greater distances than all the other Popes combined. 

St. John Paul II wrote 14 encyclicals, 16 books, and more. A well-known work was the Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae on the rosary. He wrote it on October 16, 2002. In 1985, he created World Youth Day.  It has continued to the present day.

The beads (of the rosary) remind us of our many relationships, of the bond of fraternity which unites us all in Christ.

St. John Paul II (October 16, 2002)

Some Thoughts

If we could filter out all other sounds of everyday life, we would realize something. Rosary prayers are being said around the world, at every moment, and in different languages, in a beautiful song of love and hope.

Our Lady of Grace Rosaries (October 22, 2020)

We make a variety of St. John Paul II rosaries and chaplets.  There is often an image of Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland) on the back.

Handmade Catholic items by Our Lady of Grace Rosaries are designed to be cherished and built to endure.

About Our Handmade Chaplets


Each chaplet comes with a sturdy prayer card.  It explains which prayers to say on which beads.


It is a good idea to store your chaplets and prayer cards together.  Since chaplets have unique bead groupings and prayers, the prayer card and chaplet need to stay together so that you can continue to use them.

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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.

A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.

Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.

The photo of St. John Paul II was the official image for his canonization on April 27, 2014.

On October 16, 2002, Pope John Paul II wrote an Apostolic Letter on the Rosary entitled, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. The quote we used, along with many other inspirational words and ideas can be found there.

Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.

Who was St. John Paul II?

St. John Paul II was a pope for 26 years, which was the third-longest in history.  He helped bring Communism to an end with the peaceful dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.  In 1985, he began World Youth Day, which has continued to the present day.

When was St. John Paul II declared a saint?

St. John Paul II was beatified on May 1, 2011.  He was canonized on April 27, 2014.  

When is the feast day of St. John Paul II?

His feast day is on October 22nd.  Since he was declared a saint on April 27, 2014, his first feast day was on October 22, 2014.