Saint Teresa of Calcutta (canonized in 2016)
St. Teresa of Calcutta

Find a brief biography and a quote written by Saint Teresa of Calcutta. She is considered a modern-day saint.
The First Feast of St. Teresa of Calcutta was on September 5, 2016
Mother Teresa (1910-1997), founded the Missionaries of Charity. It is the only Catholic religious order that continues to grow in membership. Her work among the poorest of the poor began in 1952. She picked up one dying man off of the street and cared for him. She also worked with orphans, the hungry, and anyone in need. Mother Teresa found strength in serving God as she cared for the needy. Her work continues today in more than 130 countries. She received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. St. Teresa of Calcutta’s canonization was on September 4, 2016. Her feast day is on September 5th.
Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depths of our hearts.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Some Thoughts
We can easily come to prayer with our hearts full of concerns and distractions. But, when we pray for inner quiet, our hearts can learn to rest in God’s love. In the silence of contemplative prayer, we can discover the joy of a deeper relationship with God.
Our Lady of Grace Rosaries (September 5, 2020)

About Our Handmade Chaplets
Each chaplet comes with a sturdy prayer card. It explains which prayers to say on which beads.
It is a good idea to store your chaplets and prayer cards together. Since chaplets have unique bead groupings and prayers, the prayer card and chaplet need to stay together so that you can continue to use them.
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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
This official photo of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s canonization shows a face worn with work and warmed with loving concern for others. It is a free image from We used a different angle for our featured image.
The quote is found on page 9 of Mother Teresa, In My Own Words (Special Memorial Edition), compiled by Jose Luis Gonzalez-Balado, Missouri: Liguori Publications, 1989.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet sources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.
St. Teresa of Calcutta (born 1910, died 1997) founded the Missionaries of Charity. Her work among the poorest of the poor began in 1952v when she picked a dying man off the street and cared for him. Her work continues today in more than 130 countries. She has received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) was canonized on September 4, 2016.
Her feast day is on September 5th. She was declared a saint on September 4, 2016, so her first feast day was the next day.