(Z129-2) Purple Beads for the Dead: $25.99 (CAD)
The Purple Beads for the Dead is a chaplet in memory of the forty hours between Christ’s Death and Resurrection. It has a Pardon Crucifix.
The Purple Beads for the Dead is a chaplet in memory of the forty hours between Christ’s Death and Resurrection. It has a Pardon Crucifix.
The Cord Pope Francis Chaplet has traditional prayers. On it, we pray for him, his intentions, and vocations.
A Chaplet for Souls in the Agony of Death is a prayer for the dying. It is a short, easy prayer to St. Joseph while in grief.
The Chaplet for Souls in the Agony of Death is a prayer for the dying. It is a short, easy prayer to St. Joseph while in grief.
The Chaplet for the Souls of Priests Suffering in Purgatory is based on an ancient devotion. An anonymous Italian priest composed it.