Rosary Inspired by the Northern Lights: $30.99 (CAD)
Inspired by the Northern Lights, the reflective coating on the glass beads glistens in the light. The Pater beads are wrapped and capped.
These handmade rosaries have classic links.
Inspired by the Northern Lights, the reflective coating on the glass beads glistens in the light. The Pater beads are wrapped and capped.
Our Confirmation Rosary has Holy Spirit medals with tiny beads wrapped inside of them. It will remind her of the Holy Spirit as she prays.
The Hematite Communion Rosary has a solid feel to it. As you pray with it, the beads will gradually warm up with the heat of your hands.
Our Rosary with Saint Joseph’s Name has purple beads to represent his holiness and white for his purity. A glass dome protects the image.
The Stainless Steel Sacred Heart Rosary is unique and sturdy. The beads are tough and resist corrosion. The Crucifix and center match them.