Blue Paracord Rosary: $34.99 (CAD)
We hand-knotted the Blue Paracord Rosary. The Euro Wood beads have stainless steel accents to make the Our Father beads stand apart.
This handmade Catholic item has Euro Wood beads.
We hand-knotted the Blue Paracord Rosary. The Euro Wood beads have stainless steel accents to make the Our Father beads stand apart.
We hand-knotted the Mahogany Paracord Rosary. The Euro Wood beads have stainless steel accents to make the Our Father beads stand apart.
We hand-knotted the Black Paracord Rosary. The Euro Wood beads have stainless steel accents to make the Our Father beads stand apart.
Find helpful wood bead cleaning tips for our handmade Catholic items. We list ideas for Euro Wood and Olive Wood beads.
Our Carved Oval Euro Wood Rosary is easy to hold onto as your hands move across the beads in prayer. It is the same cord as for fishing nets.