Modern Cut Maple Crucifix: $19.99 (CAD)
The grain patterns (or the dark pattern of lines) on the Modern Cut Maple Crucifix are unique, showing its genuine, untouched beauty.
The grain patterns (or the dark pattern of lines) on the Modern Cut Maple Crucifix are unique, showing its genuine, untouched beauty.
Our Maple Saint Benedict Crucifix has a squared cut around the medal. It is a unique Crucifix that draws our attention and reminds us to pray.
Our Classic Cut Maple Crucifix blends the warm tones of the wood with the Corpus. A Crucifix reminds us of the One who loves us.
The shape of our Rounded Maple Crucifix makes it stand out from the wall. A Crucifix like this can help hold our attention as we pray.
Our handmade Maple Crucifix with Notched Edges is has a calming contrast. The grains are subtle, and the colours blend well.