Helpful Rosary Shopping Tips

Helpful Rosary Shopping Tips

Miraculous Medal Pocket Rosary, it is one of our Miraculous Medal rosaries for sale.

Learn shopping tips to help you choose a rosary that you will cherish and find a handy checklist.

Your Rosary Shopping Experience

 Whether you intended to shop for a rosary or not, there is that initial attraction. It catches your eye and draws you in for a closer look.

 Your first impression could be about colour, uniqueness, theme, price, or packaging.

Shopping In a Store or Online

The value of a rosary is in its potential mileage. A rosary should be comfortable for prayer. It should be strong enough to last through years of praying while still looking like new. 

If you are shopping IN PERSON, be sure to give the rosary a test drive. Move the beads through your fingers to see how it feels.

If you are shopping ONLINE, further research is always a good idea.  

5 SHOPPING TIPS: A Handy Checklist

Our 5 top tips will help you identify the essential elements of a good quality rosary.



Avoid flaws like chips, bubbles, or shape inconsistencies.


Our Father Beads

The Our Father Bead should not feel like part of the Hail Mary bead groups.  Also, a different shape, size, or colour will help them stand apart.



Strong, rounded loops allow the movements of the beads during prayer. Knots on strung rosaries should allow space for the Hail Mary beads to move.



The connections are a key element of any rosary. The jump rings or bows need to be sturdy and smooth to the touch.



The sections of the rosary should line up evenly.


for choosing a rosary that is right for you

How a rosary looks, feels, and lasts can make a difference in our prayer experience.


Find One That Inspires Prayer

Rosaries should suit us so that we want to pray with them. When a rosary is unique and fits our personality and prayer style, it can help motivate us to pray.


Look for a Good Fit

I remember one of my rosaries that didn’t leave enough room for my fingers to fit between the beads. They would sometimes slip out of place while I was trying to pray. Rosaries should be so comfortable that we forget they are in our hands while deep in prayer.  Wire wrapping, for example, adds extra space between the beads.


Choose a Reliable Rosary

The function of a rosary is to keep track of the prayers. They should be sturdy enough to stand the test of time. Before I learned to make them, I remember the disappointment of broken rosaries. I used to try to repair them with tweezers. When a rosary is well-made, it frees the mind and heart to pray more deeply.

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Handmade Catholic items by Our Lady of Grace Rosaries are designed to be cherished and built to endure.


The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.

A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.

Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.

Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.

What do I need to look for when buying a rosary?
  1. Beads: Avoid flaws like chips, bubbles, or shape inconsistencies.
  2. Our Father Beads: They should not feel like part of the Hail Mary bead groups.  Also, a different shape, size, or color will help them stand apart.
  3. Construction: Strong, rounded loops allow the movements of the beads during prayer.  Knots on strung rosaries should allow space for the Hail Mary beads to move.
  4. Connections: They are the key element of any rosary.  The jump rings or bows need to be sturdy and smooth to the touch.
  5. Symmetry: The sections of beads should line up evenly.
How do I choose a good rosary that I will want to pray with?

Shopping for a rosary is an important decision.  How a rosary looks, feels, and lasts can make a difference in our experience of prayer.

  1. Find one that inspires you to pray.  Rosaries should suit us so that we want to pray with them.  When a rosary is unique and fits our personality and prayer style, it can help motivate us to pray.
  2. Look for a good fit.  Rosaries should be so comfortable that we forget they are in our hands while we are deep in prayer.
  3. Choose a reliable rosary.  The function of a rosary is to keep track of the prayers.  It should be sturdy so that it frees our minds and hearts to pray more deeply.