9 Reasons to Display a Crucifix in Our Homes

9 Reasons to Display a Crucifix

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Explore the benefits of displaying a Crucifix in your home.

9 Reasons to Display a Crucifix in Our Homes


Displaying a Crucifix is a Catholic tradition.

They have been in Catholic homes for over 1500 years.


It is a concrete reminder of faith.

God loves us with awe-inspiring love. He showed us His love on the Cross. We know it in our heart.


It helps prepare our hearts to receive the Sacraments.

A blessed Crucifix is for holy use. As we pray while facing it, God prepares our hearts for the graces we will later receive in the sacraments. Jesus draws our minds and hearts to Him.


It's about love.

A Crucifix reminds us that God loves us. Jesus went through it all for love. We see His love nailed on the Cross.


We can learn how to love better.

He taught us how to so that our hearts could expand and be better able to love by following His example.


A Crucifix reminds us to pause and pray.

We can forget to pray because life is busy. As we gaze at Jesus on the Cross, we remember that he prayed and taught the Apostles to pray. In the same way, He guides us today.


It helps keep our focus during prayer.

Whether on a wall or prayer table, a Crucifix can hold our attention. It helps us call to mind the original Cross. We meditate on the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and why He did it.


A Crucifix helps us find answers.

A Crucifix reminds us that God fills the emptiness in our hearts. When we pray, we turn to the One who fills our souls.


We can benefit from an indulgence.

Pope Pius XI granted The Prayer to Jesus Crucified (Prayer Before a Crucifix) an indulgence on February 2, 1934. There are extra blessings when we recite it on a Friday during the Season of Lent. Yet, as long as we are in front of an image of Jesus on the Cross, it is for any time.

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Handmade Catholic items by Our Lady of Grace Rosaries are designed to be cherished and built to endure.


The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.

A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.

Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.

Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.

Why do we display a Crucifix in our homes?

We discuss 9 reasons to display a Crucifix in our homes.

  1. Displaying a Crucifix is a Catholic tradition.
  2. It is a concrete reminder of our faith.
  3. It helps prepare our hearts to receive the Sacraments.
  4. It’s about love.
  5. We can learn how to love better.
  6. A Crucifix reminds us to pause and pray.
  7. It helps us keep our focus during prayer.
  8. A Crucifix helps us find answers.
  9. We can benefit from an indulgence.