(Z161) Chaplet for Souls in the Agony of Death: $17.99 (CAD)
The Chaplet for Souls in the Agony of Death is a prayer for the dying. It is a short, easy prayer to St. Joseph while in grief.
We make a large variety of chaplets.
The Chaplet for Souls in the Agony of Death is a prayer for the dying. It is a short, easy prayer to St. Joseph while in grief.
The Chaplet for the Souls of Priests Suffering in Purgatory is based on an ancient devotion. An anonymous Italian priest composed it.
The Chaplet to St. Gerard for the Blessing of a Child is a prayer for those hoping to conceive. He is the patron saint of mothers and babies.
The Saint Gerard Majella Chaplet is a prayer for expectant mothers. It has Czech glass beads with wire-wrapped single beads.
The Little Rosary to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini is a prayer for her intercession. She is the patron saint of immigrants.