FIAT Rosaries
We make traditional rosaries with a FIAT-themed center medal and the chaplet version which also celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary’s “yes”.
We make traditional rosaries with a FIAT-themed center medal and the chaplet version which also celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary’s “yes”.
We make several chaplets with a theme for the Season of Lent. They are also for Fridays or anytime. Click on the photo to browse.
Our handmade wood rosary dishes come in a variety of wood types and sizes. They are a handy place to store a rosary on a prayer table.
Our velveteen rosary pouches will help keep your rosary from getting tarnished, tangled, or lost. The double-cord drawstring keeps it closed.
We have a variety of made-to-order chaplet and rosary items with a Holy Spirit theme.