Our Catholic Products: Info & Tips
Our Catholic Products: Info & Tips

Discover our top tips and learn more about our handmade Catholic products.
Product Info & Tips
About Our Products
Handmade Originals
Prayer is the journey of the heart towards a closer relationship with God.
When an item for prayer is built to last, it can support and inspire our prayers. Our products are all handmade originals.
The beautiful, timeless prayer of the ROSARY is a journey into greater faith, hope, love, and joy. It can transform our hearts and our lives at the very root. Click to see the rosaries we sell.
Rosary Shopping Tips
We have shopping tips to make it easier to choose something that will suit your needs. Click for tips.
Crucifixes & Crosses
A CRUCIFIX is more than a decorative object. It is a visual reminder of God’s love for us. The reason Jesus was on the Cross is at the very root of our faith. Click to see what is available.
CHAPLETS enrich our routine of prayer and give us a way to focus on specific devotions. They enrich our prayer life and help us draw closer to God. Click to see a list of our chaplets for sale.
Rosary Bracelets
A ROSARY BRACELET can be worn daily as an expression of faith and a reminder to pray. It is a convenient way to access a rosary at all times. Click to see what is available.
Cleaning Tips
You can also find cleaning tips to keep them looking like new. Click for more info.
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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on pexels.com.
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
Cristian Gutierrez shared the photo of a man praying by a Crucifix on Cathopic.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.
Prayer is the journey of the heart toward a closer relationship with God
- Praying with a rosary is a journey into greater faith, hope, love, and joy. It can transform our hearts at the very root.
- A rosary bracelet can be worn as an expression of faith and it is a convenient way to access a rosary at all times.
- Chaplets enrich our prayer life and help us draw closer to God.
- A Crucifix is a visual reminder of God’s love for us. The reason Jesus was on the Cross is at the very root of our faith.