Cord for Beaded Items
Cord for Beaded Items

Our Cord for Beaded Items includes fishing net twine, Paracord, and stretch cord.
Cord for Beaded Items
Fishing Net Twine
Stronger Than Craft Cord
We use nylon fishing net twine because of its reliability. It has 3 strands twisted together. It has an incredible 84-pound breaking strength. We tighten the knots and heat-seal the ends to prevent fraying.
Rope Rosaries
We use a fishing net twine to make rope rosaries, as shown in the photo. Since these rosaries are quiet and metal-free, it is easy to pray quietly at night. They can also accompany a patient into an M.R.I. machine.
We use No. 9 twine for wood bead rosaries and ones with small knotted beads. No. 36 twine works well for large rope rosaries. Click to see the available colours.
American-Made Paracord
We use quality American-made Paracord. It has a 3-ply nylon core with a woven outer sheath. Nylon has the highest shock absorbency of any synthetic rope. It is weather-resistant, resists fraying, feels smooth to the touch, and holds its knots well.
The Thicknesses
We use three different thicknesses of Paracord.
50 pounds
95 pounds
550 pounds
Stretch Cord
Quality Elastic
We use a latex-free stretch cord. It is a high-quality elastic that retains its original shape after gently stretching.
It passes an eight-pound endurance test. We secure the knots with flexible jeweller’s glue.
How to Put on a Stretchy Bracelet
A good fit means it stretches over your hand but then rests on your wrist without stretching.
By holding your hand in a pointed position, like in the photo, you can feel the beads roll over your hand as you put it on. You can take it off the same way.
That means less stretching, which will keep your bracelet like new.
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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.
We use nylon fishing net twine because of its reliability. It has 3 strands twisted together. It has an incredible 84-pound breaking strength.
Rosaries made with quality American-made Paracord have a 3-ply nylon core with a woven outer layer. Nylon has the highest shock absorbency of any synthetic rope. It is weather-resistant, resists fraying, feels smooth to the touch, and holds its knots well.
Three Paracord thicknesses are the most common for rosaries.
- Micro Paracord is just over 1mm thick and supports 50 pounds.
- 95 paracord is almost 2mm thick and supports 95 pounds.
- 550 Paracord is 4mm thick and supports 550 pounds.
We use a latex-free stretch cord. It is a high quality elastic with an 8-pound endurance. A good fit means it stretches over your hand but then rests on your wrist without stretching.