Need a Repair?

Sometimes a cherished rosary may need repair. It may be a simple matter of reattaching a link that pulled apart or needing more work.
- We are pausing requests for repairs. Repairs will resume in January of 2026. All CURRENT REPAIRS will continue as promised.
Repair Request Form

What to Expect
When we reply (by email), we will ask for a photo (or description) to determine if a repair is possible. We will provide a price estimate and give you our shipping address.
Payments are due after the repair is complete. We will contact you with payment and shipping information.

It gets busy in the workshop. We do our best to repair and return your item without too long of a wait.
A rosary might be unhooked, and have missing beads or broken sections. It might be in several pieces. Some are easier to repair than others.
Beads Missing?
We have spare beads from donated rosary pieces. If up to 6 are missing, we can replace the Our Father beads. Otherwise, we will match as best we can. If the beads are too unusual, a repair might not be possible.
Some Can Be Re-Designed
We only attempt repairs of items similar to what we already make. We may not have the parts to restore it exactly, but sometimes, we can re-design it.
No Solution
We cannot repair every rosary. This one has double rows of aluminum wire digging into the core of the beads. Aluminum wire snaps and breaks easily when bent for attempted repairs.
We will clean them as best we can. However, some of the dark markings could be mold or permanent stains. Click for cleaning tips.

Clear Instructions
It is best if we know the extent of the repairs you are expecting. You may want a simple repair or a rebuilding of the rosary. If you have a vintage piece, we can try to keep its integrity. However, since bead rings are difficult to find, we may be unable to replace the missing ones. We can also restore a rosary to look like new.
The Cost of a Repair
The fee will depend on the cost of new materials and the needed work. For example, we usually charge $0.25 per replacement link plus shipping. A complete rewiring with new metal parts costs $15.00 or more (plus shipping), depending on the parts. We will ask for a photo (or clear description) to give you a price estimate before you ship it to us. Payments are not due until your repaired rosary is ready to ship back to you.
We want to help preserve your blessed items, but it can get busy in the workshop. We will book a specific date to repair your rosary or fix it sooner if we can manage it.
Shipping Within Canada
An oversized letter in a bubble envelope (not tracked) will cost less than $4.00. The cost of tracked shipping to Ontario varies, depending on where you live.
Shipping from the USA
Shipping in a bubble envelope usually costs less than a box. A regular postal service is usually less costly than commercial shipping companies.
How to fill in the USPS Customs Form

- Section 1. DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Check “Other”, and indicate “repair”
- Section 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS: Broken Rosary for Repair
- Section 5. VALUE (US$) $10.00 (not what you paid for it). For more than one rosary, they can be valued as low as $2.00 each. Otherwise, we have to pay duty and taxes on them and then the cost goes back to you. Since we are not purchasing them, the total value should be set as low as possible. We verified this with border officials.
Parts Donations Appreciated
We need broken parts from old rosaries to help repair other rosaries. *Note: If you have blessed objects you no longer want, you can donate, burn, or bury them.
Customer Comments

It’s hard to describe the happiness I felt when I saw the Rosaries you repaired. They’re perfectly restored. I can’t thank you enough for your precious work and for helping me preserve them. Thank you very much. – FF

My rosary was broken and I thought it was a lost cause. I found Our Lady of Grace Rosaries. After I sent her the photos of my broken rosary, she told me to send it in so she could fix it. Today, my repaired rosary arrived and it looks like a brand-new rosary. I am amazed! I would never think that this was ever broken. She did an amazing job. She is a true professional, and I highly recommend her. -AB

Thank you! Looking forward to doing more business with you! I have more vintage rosaries that need repair. -NR
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The LOGO image of Our Lady of Grace is original artwork by Martin Lariviere in 2009. We have the artist’s permission (my son). It is our exclusive trademark logo image.
A beautifully photographed sky by Donald Tong inspired the website’s colour scheme. Cropped portions of it are the background for the footer Bible verse. He shared it as a free download on
Raphael painted The Sistine Madonna circa (1513-1514). We made circular cut-outs from the original image.
Pexels shared a photo of a computer, phone, writing tablet and pen.
Karolina Grabowska of shared the photo of the computer with the mini shopping cart.
Leeloo the First shared the calendar and glasses photo on Pexels.
Steve Buissinne shared the wallet photo with the magnifying glass on Pixabay.
The flags are from C1ri and Cschikore on Pixabay.
Our information is from general knowledge, experience, and shared internet resources. We’d like you to use it as a starting point for your research to verify facts and build a reference list.
Blessed objects (like broken rosaries) that are broken or that you no longer want can be donated, burned, or buried. If you are not sure, you can assume that they are blessed. We appreciate donations of broken or unwanted rosaries. We can donate usable rosaries to the missions or use the pieces to repair other rosaries.