(Z021) Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament: $33.99 (CAD)
The Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament has prayers of adoration and reparation. It has olive wood beads from Bethlehem.
The Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament has prayers of adoration and reparation. It has olive wood beads from Bethlehem.
The Chaplet of Reparation to the Blessed Sacrament is a prayer to help make amends for spiritual damage done through direct abuse or neglect.
The Knotted Cord Rosary of Jesus is a centuries-old devotion. It has been popular with prayer groups and for private prayer.
Our Paracord Divine Mercy Chaplet has Euro Wood beads. The detailed medal shows the rays like in St. Faustina’s vision.
The Heart of the World Chaplet is a devotion to the holy Infant Jesus. It has an Imprimatur (approved by the Catholic Church).