Tiger Eye Bronze Rosary: $130.99 (CAD)
Our Tiger Eye Bronze Rosary is fully wire-wrapped. We used solid bronze components instead of plated parts. There are no plated parts.
Our Tiger Eye Bronze Rosary is fully wire-wrapped. We used solid bronze components instead of plated parts. There are no plated parts.
Our Carved Oval Euro Wood Rosary is easy to hold onto as your hands move across the beads in prayer. It is the same cord as for fishing nets.
Our Holy Family Hematite Rosary is wire-wrapped. It takes less space in the palm of your hand, yet it will be easier to handle.
We made the strung St. Benedict Brown Wood Medal Rosary to be comfortable for prayer. It is easy to handle and built to last.
Our basic brown wood rosary has warm, rich tones that make it a classic design. The beads feel smooth to the touch.