Our Lady of Guadalupe Roses Rosary: $33.99 (CAD)
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Roses Rosary has metal roses as Our Father beads. Like all of our rosaries, it is handmade and built to last.
The Our Lady of Guadalupe Roses Rosary has metal roses as Our Father beads. Like all of our rosaries, it is handmade and built to last.
Our Miraculous Medal & Roses Rosary has metal flowers in the place of the Our Father beads with an image of Our Lady of Grace on the back.
Our Holy Spirit Pocket Rosary is wire-wrapped with heavy-duty wire and chain. The wire wrapping keeps the beads securely in place.
Our St. John Paul Pocket Rosary is wire-wrapped with heavy-duty wire and chain for easy handling and reliability.
Our Multi-Medal Pocket Rosary has wire-wrapped gemstones. Every bead has caps on the ends. The medal has the inscription “I am a Catholic…