(Z154) Act of Contrition Chaplet: $12.99 (CAD)
The Act of Contrition Chaplet has wire-wrapped beads. We can pray it at the end of the day or while preparing for Confession.
The Act of Contrition Chaplet has wire-wrapped beads. We can pray it at the end of the day or while preparing for Confession.
Mother Teresa encouraged the use of The Flying Novena, also: The Express Novena or Memorare Novena. It is a quick prayer for difficult times.
St. Teresa of Calcutta said that it is important that we PRAY and not just SAY our prayers. We explore ways to do that.
The St. Teresa of Calcutta Chaplet has the Job’s Tears beads and the Crucifix she loved. The prayers were among her favourites.
The Memorare Novena Chaplet has nine beads to keep track of the prayers. St. Teresa of Calcutta said this prayer in times of urgency.