(Z021) Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament: $33.99 (CAD)
The Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament has prayers of adoration and reparation. It has olive wood beads from Bethlehem.
The Chaplet of the Most Adorable Sacrament has prayers of adoration and reparation. It has olive wood beads from Bethlehem.
The Chaplet to Our Lady of Mercy is a prayer to ask her help to obtain mercy from her Son. It has an Imprimatur.
The Tears of Blood Rosary has different bead groupings from a regular rosary. It has seven groups of beads for each of her sorrows.
The Dominican Chaplet is a way to reflect on the Mysteries of the Rosary. Each section has five beads, one for each of the mysteries.
The Saint Veronica Chaplet has a prayer for her intercession written by Pope Pius IX. The Holy Face medal is heavy and with clear details.