(Z094) St. Isidore the Farmer Chaplet: $9.99 (CAD)
The St. Isidore the Farmer Chaplet has wire-wrapped Job’s Tears beads. St. Isidore walked long distances to attend daily Mass before work.
The St. Isidore the Farmer Chaplet has wire-wrapped Job’s Tears beads. St. Isidore walked long distances to attend daily Mass before work.
The Saint Dominic Savio Chaplet has wire-wrapped Czech glass beads. White beads are for the Holy Trinity and blue are for his young life.
The Blessed Miguel Pro Chaplet has his last words as part of the prayer. White beads: his purity. Red beads: his martyrdom.
The Chaplet of the 10 Evangelical Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary is wire-wrapped. St. Jeanne de Valois composed it (late 15th Century).
The Queen of Peace of Chaplet is a prayer to our Blessed Mother to quiet the noise of distractions for us to seek the presence of Jesus.